Do you want an Independent life? Do you feel like you are invisible when looking for a job?
Meet Molly and learn about her Self-Discovery journey towards independent living.
The covid pandemic threw us many curve balls. However, how many of us feel that curve balls have been thrown at us for much longer than that?
Molly loves her life and is surrounded by loving family and friends. She is happy living at home with her mum and dad and her current casual job.
Molly is bright, bubbly, and outgoing. When setting goals for herself, Molly asked many questions about what she can do to change and make her life more fulfilling by reaching her goal of one day living by herself.
However, she lacks confidence and is needed guidance, and sees her disability as a barrier. If we know who we are, we can look at the things we want that will make our lives more fulfilling.
By helping Molly, we helped her think about her life’s and list what needs to be done in preparation to have the confidence in taking the next step.
Molly knows that having a steady job and income would help her achieve her goal of living independently. She aspires to work in a fulltime customer service role. Her bright bubbly personality is a great character trait to support working in this industry. Sometimes this can be challenging as we might need to dig deep and look at things that are hard for us to face about ourselves. With Molly’s courage, her self-awareness, discomfort, and letting go of fear enabled her to move forward. We must look inside with honesty so we can find our purpose - questions that helped Molly on her self discovery:
In working with Molly, we have been able to help her realize her dreams, personal values, and talents which are giving her confidence and insight into her inner self.
So she can share that part of herself confidently. Now Molly is well on the way to having a better understanding of herself, her strengths, and weaknesses. With this understanding and knowledge, Molly knows what it will take her to goal set and on the journey to increased opportunity in finding more satisfaction in employment outcomes.