Please note AEQUIS TALENT values your privacy. By responding to or sending documents, you are agreeing to the AEQUIS TALENT Privacy policy


The aim of this privacy policy (Policy) is to inform you about how AEQUIS TALENT Australia Limited (ACN 659 909 654) (AEQUIS TALENT) and our related entities handle your personal and sensitive information. Specifically, this Policy explains how we manage your data, when we might share it, and how you can access, correct, or complain about your privacy.


This Policy covers our employees, volunteers, contractors, and suppliers who deal with personal and sensitive information collected in the course of business for AEQUIS TALENT and our related entity, AEQUIS TALENT (ACN 659 909 654). When we mention "AEQUIS TALENT" in this Policy, we also include our related entities.REFERENCES


1. Overview

1.1 This Policy is AEQUIS TALENT’s statement of intent to operate within the following Australian privacy laws:

  1. This Policy is AEQUIS TALENT’s statement of intent to operate within the following Australian privacy laws:
  • the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), and
  • the Australian Privacy Principles, contained in the Privacy Act(APPs),and
  • the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 (Cth), incorporated into the Privacy Act(Notifiable Data Breach Scheme),and
  • other applicable laws that impose specific obligations relating to the handling of personal and sensitive information, including: the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth),and applicable NSW State–based laws such as the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).

Why AEQUIS TALENT collects and uses personal info:

(a) AEQUIS TALENT helps clients find jobs, provides training to improve job skills, and supports further education. Our clients include people of different ages and backgrounds.

(b) As a client, we gather various info about you to provide our services. We need this info to do our job effectively.

(c) AEQUIS TALENT uses your info for:

• Marketing our services and sharing info about what we offer,

• Providing personalized services to meet your needs and reach goals, and

• Checking the quality of our services and finding ways to make them better.

(d) AEQUIS TALENT gathers, stores, uses, and shares your personal and/or sensitive information to run government-funded programs and to assist you properly. For instance, AEQUIS TALENT might share your info with other parties involved in providing services to you.

• Employment programs will share info with various employers providing work opportunities or job openings.

• Education programs will share info with other training providers, regulatory bodies, and employers.

• Service providers, like advisors, consultants, and tech support, and business partners.

• Youth programs will share info with mentors, employers providing work opportunities, schools, and educational institutions.

(e) AEQUIS TALENT might have to share your personal and/or sensitive info with others if:

• You've agreed to it.

• The government department overseeing the program allows it.

• It's required by laws, like social security laws.

• A court or tribunal orders it.

• There's a duty to take care of you.

2.1 How we might contact you

AEQUIS TALENT might reach out to you through mail, email, text message, or phone call. We won't send you any promotional messages like texts or emails unless it's allowed by marketing laws, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).